#Holler Against Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a heart-wrenching crisis that casts a dark shadow across our global community. According to the United Nations, human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of persons by means of threat, use of force, or other forms of coercion for the purpose of exploitation. It is a form of modern-day slavery, with victims often subjected to sexual exploitation, forced labour, or organ removal.
In South Africa, Gauteng is the province with the highest number of human trafficking cases, followed by KwaZulu-Natal, with the Northern Cape having the least. In 2021 alone, approximately 400 victims of trafficking were identified in the 79 human trafficking prosecutions ongoing in courts. Human traffickers prey on the financially vulnerable, such as those living in poverty, unemployed, or homeless.
#Holler was launched at Mall of the South in August 2021 on Women’s Day to create awareness about Gender-Based Violence (GBV). This year, #Holler 2024 is dedicated to creating awareness and educating the public on Human Trafficking. We are proud to support Home of Hope for Girls, a non-profit organization that provides a haven for children and teenagers facing abusive situations, particularly those linked to child sex trafficking and GBV.
We invite the community to join us on the 8th of September for the #Holler 2024 event, limited seats are available for the public on firsts come, firsts serve basis. Live streaming on the day will be available from The Mall of the South Facebook page.
We ask our community to #Holler against human trafficking and support this mission by donating the following wish-list items for the Home of Hope for Girls
- Non-perishable foods
- Toiletries
- Stationery
- School uniforms
- Medical supplies
Donations can be dropped off at our donation box located at Lower-Level Entrance 2 at Mall of the South. For more information or know someone in need, visit www.mallofthesouth.co.za. If you wish to support Home of Hope for Girls, please info@hopehome.org.za or call 081 336 7775.
Join us as we shout out against human trafficking.